Bioluminescence and Cello Music

2024 Jul 7

Melanie was talking with a friend about the bioluminescent microbes in the Puget Sound that can be seen in the dark. On a whim, she checked our favorite kayak tour guides. They had a nighttime tour for Sunday from Bowman Bay at Deception Pass State Park! New moon was only the day before, so it would get quite dark and the viewing would be good.

I booked for two people not knowing if the time would work for Melanie’s friend. It did. But then when I went back to see if I could add myself, there were no more empty spots.

Melanie and friend ready to go paddling

With our long summer days, it would be a late start and a late return home. Driving so late would be difficult for Melanie, so I offered to take them. I brought along things to keep me busy while they were out, including my cello.

I hung around with the kayak group while they were getting ready to go. ••• Then after they left I went on a hike in the Park. It provided spectacular views of the sunset.

It was an interesting group. I chatted mostly with one young guy.

I think Melanie might have been telling them about kayaking trips I had done because he asked about that.

I said, "Well, I've done a few things."

"That's the way people who have done interesting stuff talk.", he said.  



I said I was still working on my skills (since I am very conscious of others who are much better kayakers than I am).

"The problem is that I have too many hobbies and so my time with each is limited."

"Oh", he said thoughtfully, "You're a hobby person."

This statement intrigued me. I remember being surprised when I first realized there were people who didn't have hobbies. I thought that was unusual. His statement about me implied that it was also a bit unusual to hobby-oriented - another surprise.

sunset between rocky outcroppings

The moon was a tiny crescent.

sunset over the bay

When I got back I decided to play the cello. Since the night was warm, quiet and dry, I set up by the bay out in the open near a picnic table. It was dark (with some starlight), so I put a small light on my cello case to illuminate my area.

My iPad with all my sheet music was self-illuminated. And so, I picked some favorite pieces and played. My fingers worked well and the music substantially came out as I heard it in my head.

The kayakers were out in the bay and started hearing something. “What is that? Is that a cello?” Melanie replied, “Yes, that’s my husband.”

They had been having a great time. They had seen some harbor seals, and a porpoise had gone by. They also watched the sunset, and the sliver of moon when it also set. When it got dark, the water sparkled with the bioluminescence when it was splashed. They could see flashes around little fish that were swimming beneath them.

It was a beautiful evening all around and Melanie said she heard quite a few comments which included the word “magical” when the music was added.

After a while they got back and so I packed my stuff away. Everybody thanked me multiple times for the music, again commenting that it was magical to be moving quietly on the water and hearing the cello music out over the bay.

Occasionally I will come on someone playing music outside, so I knew what they meant. But I also enjoyed the music! When the people in the group thanked me, my first reaction was to thank them back for their appreciation. They seemed not to understand this, so instead I said, “You’re welcome”.