Our House Addition Adventure: Siding...

Removing the old siding from existing house.

Prying old siding

All new siding for the house.

Installing vinyl siding

Putting up a temporary beam to hold up the ceiling while the kitchen glue-lam is installed.

Guys holding up beam

The opened up kitchen and clean great-room with windows. The boys had fun swinging (literally) from the rafters. The weather isn't cold yet.

Framed great room

Plumbing for the master bathroom.

Larry's hand sticking up through floor

Insetting the the hearth backing material for the gas fireplace.

Larry head up through floor

Wiring, heat ducts, plumbing & insulation under the new section.

Crawl space

Demolition, dust and dirt so a kitchen wall can be moved.

Broken drywall and new studs