Our House Addition Adventure: Starting

In 2002 we became busy with an addition on our house. Final inspection was competed the end of 2003. I was my own general contractor. I sub-contracted a few jobs, but did most of my own work. There are a few finish details to complete, but we are very pleased with the results. The whole thing was quite an adventure.

Digging up the yard.

Track hoe digging in back yard

Pouring the foundation into forms with the help of a concrete pumper truck.

Larry directing pumped concrete

Floor joists going in.

Joists on foundation

Carrying drainage rock to put around the foundation.

Melanie and bucket of rocks

Walls starting to go up.

Standing up built wall

Trusses arriving.

Trusses lifted over the house

The roof taking shape.

Trusses in place across walls

The shell is complete.

Wrapped new house shell