Hiking the Enchantments 2010: Little Annapurna

Next day, our goal was the top of Little Annapurna - so named for its similarity to a peak in the Himalayas. (It's the rounded one with the snow on it.)

hikers uptrail and peak behind

The way up was not a difficult climb, except that you are at 8000 feet and the air is thinner. Near the top, the slope becomes quite gentle.

trail up grassed slope and rocks

At the very top are some fantastic rock formations that appear like as if a giant had stacked some flat rocks into rows to use later for flagstones.

gap between stacked flat rocks

How did they get arranged here like this?

a side view of stacked flat rocks

Mt. Rainier was far to the south.

mountain seen through a gap in rocks

I continued on down the other side of Little Annapurna

slope of peak with snow

to a lesser peak which also had very unusual stacks of rocks on it.

clump of flat stacked rocks

My friends continued farther on to Dragontail Peak. Notice that double peak group right in the middle?

ridge of peaks in distance

They climbed to its top. Some of the rocks there would move under them, so they had to be careful.

guys on distant peak