Feb 15, 2009 - Is my life boring?

I have been looking at my website lately. I haven't had front-page changes to it for quite a while! Does that mean nothing is happening, that my life is boring?

Life is quieter now that the kids aren't at home. But Melanie and I are busy. We have our day jobs. Melanie has started back to school (at UWB). We just finished taking a waltz class together. I am working on a new personal software project.

I also find that I am keeping up with a lot of new and old friends via Facebook. And that has had a little bit of overlap with this website. But it has been a Very Good Thing! :-)

The big thing, I think, is that we have fewer "big" events because the kids are not going to school locally. And much of my website content here has been about these events. Life transitions are certainly interesting!

So no, my life isn't boring. Just the web-site front-page!

Nov 27, 2008 - Thanksgiving 2008

Our thanksgiving was wonderful with family and kids. Melanie's mom & grandma came. Although Alan was still in New York, we had a nice video chat with him.

20081127_thanksgiving0 Before the meal the guys were caught in classic Grove pose - reading.

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Nov 08, 2008 - Seattle Auto Show 2008

Austin and I have enjoyed a tradition of going to the Seattle Auto Show.

I was wondering this year how the economy would affect what was shown. However, I didn't really see particular evidence of it.

20081108_auto_show0 I caught Austin by an interesting Chrysler concept car. They were trying to see how roomy they could make it be inside. I thought it was pretty good, but don't know if it could be made to be drivable. :-)

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Sep 15, 2008 - Hiking Black Tusk

It seems that I get in one major hike each year. This time I went to Black Tusk with David.

black tusk pond view

We did it as a day-hike, and that was a long day, but very incredible.

See it all here.

Jun 14, 2008 - Inglemoor Graduation

This year we had two graduating seniors. It was at the same venue where I graduated.

20080614_graduation0 Andrew was on one side of the floor and Jessica was on the other, so we couldn't be close to both. Andrew's mortar cap is the tallest one.

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Jun 04, 2008 - Prom, Piano & Pops

This has been a busy end-of-school year season. Since we have two seniors, they went to Prom.

20080604_prom_piano_pops0 Andrew took his friend Katy.

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May 24, 2008 - Park Afternoon

Yesterday Jessica's mom arrived from Germany. When she got here, it was proper Seattle weather - grey skies and a little bit of rain. However, today was brilliant and warm, so we went to St. Edwards State Park.

20080524_park_afternoon0 We sat in the shade, petted the dogs, played a card game, played some guitar and really enjoyed each other's company.

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May 23, 2008 - Andrew's Hair Spike

Some years ago when the boys' elementary school had let out, Melanie suggested a summer buzz haircut. When the the boys got all excited, Melanie was taken aback because she really only suggested it as a joke. In the end, they actually did the haircuts and the event turned into a tradition.

20080523_andrew_spike0 Andrew has continued the tradition (with some modifications).

20080523_andrew_spike1 Andrew gets a lot of hair when he leaves it grow almost the whole year (although this big hair moment was helped a bit to be more dramatic).

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May 22, 2008 - John & God's Kingdom

I have a friend, John, that is near the end of a fight with cancer.

John & Margie's wedding

His wife Margie has a blog about their experience. It is interesting, funny, poignant, and significant. In one of the last entries, she talked about how although John's body is quickly failing, his inner self is growing and strengthening.

A conversation had brought up an old terrifying memory from his childhood. Through prayer, God was able to put His peace over top of the memory and change its present effects. God's Kingdom just expanded in John's heart.

I don't know why God wants John to walk this road - and be taking his wife and young children along as he travels. My heart hurts for their hurt. And yet in this, John Fawcett is calling us - like John the Baptist did - to continued preparation of our hearts for God's Kingdom.

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May 15, 2008 - It's not evolution

An article in today's Seattle Times gives credit to evolution for a quick change in the kinds of stickleback fish in Lake Washington. However, that is not so clear.

Half a century ago, Lake Washington was very polluted and murky. It has since been cleaned-up, and its waters today are clear and swimmable. Natural selection pressures on the native stickleback fish therefore would have changed as well. Sticklebacks now have a much more difficult time hiding from their primary predator, cutthroat trout.

The stickleback is an unusual fish, in that it doesn't have scales. Instead the fish has bony armor plating. Certain types of the fish are completely covered in armor. However, there is a lot of variety in this feature, and other sticklebacks have less plating, or none at all.

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May 02, 2008 - Squirrel Diversity

I was watching a couple of squirrels playing in a tree outside my window and remembered this comment I read in a paper (the 2nd letter to the editor). The squirrels we usually see in the Pacific Northwest are not native to this area. They are an aggressive new-comer that has pushed out two other native species. The writer was saying this is bad and that we should not encourage the interlopers.

"Ahh, but isn't that evolution in action? Darwinian evolution is the natural course of events and has been going on for millions of years successfully diversifying the bio-system, right? Why should we ineffectually subvert what should be happening?

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Apr 26, 2008 - Cognitive Surplus & Sharing of Creativity

So I have my website (that your are reading) with stuff from my life on it. Others have Facebook pages or make videos and put them on YouTube.

Where does all this stuff come from? According to this interesting article (also linked above) it comes from a cognitive surplus in society. The interesting thing is that he says that there have been other civic surpluses. Initially society didn't know what to do with them and for a time wasted them. But then people found out how to put these surpluses to good use for everybody.

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Apr 20, 2008 - Sunday Afternoon with Friends

Today our good friend Agnes was in town again. We spent the day together with friends and had a great time.

20080420_sunday_afternoon0 We walked from Bothell Landing along a bike trail that is called the Burke-Gilman (going toward Seattle), and the Samamish River Trail (going toward Redmond).

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Apr 18, 2008 - April Snows

This April is very crazy!

Last Saturday was an exceptionally warm day. Today was an exceptionally wintery day! We had frozen precipitation most of the day.

20080418_april_snow0 This is the view in front of our house.

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Apr 16, 2008 - Mark Henderson's Photos

My brother-in-law Mark drives to work through the region north of Bellingham and has been taking pictures of the area scenery. Mark's scenery photos are very beautiful!

Apr 12, 2008 - A Sunny Washington Day

This has been a wet spring. There is literally twice the normal snowpack in the mountains, such that we can even see snow on the hills at this time. However, Saturday was an exceptional day. It got over 80 degrees and was sunny and beautiful.

20080412_SunnyDay0 Unfortunately it was a bit hazy. This was a view of Mount Rainier from the playground of the school next to us.

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