Some years ago when the boys' elementary school had let out, Melanie suggested a summer buzz haircut. When the the boys got all excited, Melanie was taken aback because she really only suggested it as a joke. In the end, they actually did the haircuts and the event turned into a tradition.

20080523_andrew_spike0 Andrew has continued the tradition (with some modifications).

20080523_andrew_spike1 Andrew gets a lot of hair when he leaves it grow almost the whole year (although this big hair moment was helped a bit to be more dramatic).

20080523_andrew_spike2 It is almost enough to not need a hat for warmth or shade.

20080523_andrew_spike3 In fact when it was straightened a bit, it was as long as Melanie's.

20080523_andrew_spike4 They got out the clippers and outside on the grass, Jessica trimmed it almost all off. When gathered together, it looked like a wig.

20080523_andrew_spike5 Last year, he did a mohawk. This time he did a single spike in front. Add lots of hairspray and then hold it until it dries.

20080523_andrew_spike6 It was actually quite cool.

We have a Camaro with T-tops. On a nice day last week, it was very convenient for Andrew to remove the driver-side top so that his spike could stick out above the car.

20080523_andrew_spike7 Then Andrew had the rest of it cut off, so that he would look nice for prom.