Attribution to Darren Twa
Darren Twa has developed the teaching and theology about value systems and relationships that I written about at this website. Initially the material was available only in Sunday message audio form.
Darren has authored several books (all available on his website):
- God's Value System
- Emotions: Revealing our Values
- Relationship and ValueSystems - available in a free digital .pdf version
Please read his books. They are better than what I have been able to present here, and more comprehensive.
Darren is pastor of Life Fellowship church.
Quotes from Darren Twa
Darren repeatedly uses simple phrases as teaching instruments. The theology from his work simplifies many aspects of Christianity and yet is extremely practical. These quotes which I have used in my writing are original to him.
- "All theology is relational."
- "All relationships are based on common value systems."
- "All conflicts in relationship are conflicts over value system."
- "God's value system is sacrificial love for the benefit of others."
- "God's value system most looks like Jesus on the cross."
- "Sin is choosing a value system."
- "We know that Jesus' Kingdom was not an earthly kingdom because John the Baptist didn't have a shovel."
- "The Gospel is simple. There is a part we believe and a part we do. Everything else is tradition and interpretation."
- "It is better to be good than to satisfy bodily appetites (have a full tummy), to have people like you (be adored), or to have an earthly kingdom: (power, wealth, control)."
- "God's kingdom has one rule - sacrificial love for the benefit of others. And if you break the rule, the consequence is that you are forgiven."
- Faith is believing that someone with whom you have relationship is telling you the truth
- Faith is believing the promises of God.
Some of these quotes may seem startling. Please read the material I have written at this website to understand what they mean.