Life Fellowship Sunday messages
These are the teaching messages of Darren Twa, pastor of Life Fellowship. Darren is the author of God's Value System.
Older messages are available here.
You can listen to individual messages by clicking on a link below. (mp3 files) Right-click on a link to download it to your computer.
Series: I Thessalonians, Colossians, Hebrews, Matthew, Gospel Foundations
I Thessalonians Series
- 2013: 1/27 - Christians in Community: Part 2 5:12-28
- 2013: 1/20 - Christians in Community: Part 1 5:12-28
- 2013: 1/13 - The Return of Christ: Part 2 4:13-5:11
- 2013: 1/06 - The Return of Christ: Part 1 4:13-5:11
- 2012: 12/09 - The Call to Purity 4:1-12
- 2012: 12/02 - The Joy of the Messenger 2:17 - 3:13
- 2012: 11/25 - The Message of the Messenger 2:13-16
- 2012: 11/18 - The Care of the Messenger 2:6-12
- 2012: 11/11 - The Motives of the Messenger 2:1-6
- 2012: 11/04 - Proof of God's Election: Part 2 1:4-10
- 2012: 10/28 - Proof of God's Election: Part 1 1:4-10
- 2012: 10/21 - What Faith, Hope, Love Produce 1:1-3
Colossians Series
- 2012: 7/22 - How to Make People Thank God 1:1-8
- 2012: 7/29 - How to Make Yourself Thank God 1:9-14
- 2012: 8/05 - Who is Christ, and What has He Done? 1:15-23
- 2012: 8/12 - Your Role in the Gospel 1:24-29
- 2012: 8/19 - The Wisdom of God 2:1-5
- 2012: 8/26 - Continue Free 2:6-8
- 2012: 9/02 - What Christ Is 2:9-15
- 2012: 9/09 - Christ is the Measure of Christianity 2:16-23
- 2012: 9/16 - Christ is the Measure: Part2 2:16-23
- 2012: 9/23 - Christ Made Visible 3:1-4
- 2012: 9/30 - Put On Christ 3:4-17
- 2012: 10/07 - The Household In Christ 3:18 - 4:1
- 2012: 1014 - The Gospel of Christ 4:2-18
Various Special
- 2011: 12/25 - The First Advent
- 2011: 4/24 - The Crucifixion Cast of Characters
- 2011: 11/13 - Sun School: Ruth chapter 1
- 2011: 11/20 - Sun School: Ruth chapter 2
- 2011: 11/27 - Sun School: Ruth chapter 3
- 2011: 12/04 - Sun School: Ruth chapter 4
- 2012: 1/29 - The Skeptic and the Gospel
- 2012: 2/26 - Values, Discipline & Life
- 2012: 4/08 - Why Did Christ Die? *
- 2012: 5/13 - A Kernel of Wheat
- 2012: 5/20 - God's Promises *
- 2012: 12/16 - Love: Part 1
- 2012: 12/16 - Love: Part 2
- 2012: 12/16 - Love: Part 3
- How to talk to people about Jesus (parenthetical)
Hebrews Series
- 2011: 10/16 - Intro to the book of Hebrews
- 2011: 10/23 - God Has Spoken: Part1 1:1-3
- 2011: 10/30 - God Has Spoken: Part2 1:3
- 2011: 11/06 - Christ is Better Than Angels: Part1 1:4-14
- 2011: 11/13 - Christ is Better Than Angels: Part2 1:4-14
- 2011: 11/20 - A Warning Against Drifting From Christ 2:1-4
- 2011: 11/27 - Christ Became A Man Part1 2:5-14
- 2001: 12/11 - A Promise of Rest: Part1 3:1-19
- 2011: 12/18 - A Promise of Rest: Part2 4:1-13
- 2012: 1/15 - Warnings: Part1 5:11 - 6:12
- 2012: 1/22 - Warning Against Apostasy 6:4-12
- 2012: 2/05 - The Order of Melchizedek 6:13 - 7:28
- 2012: 2/12 - A Better Covenant 8:1-13
- 2012: 2/19 - A Better Sacrifice: Part 1 9:1-28
- 2012: 3/04 - A Better Sacrifice: Part 2 10:1-18
- 2012: 3/12 - Persevere 10:19-39
- 2012: 3/18 - Faith: Part1 11:1-19
- 2012: 3/25 - Faith: Part2 11:20-40
- 2012: 4/01 - Run To Win 12:1-4
- 2012: 4/15 - The Encouraging Word 12:5-11
- 2012: 4/22 - Be Trained by God's Discipline 12:12-17
- 2012: 4/29 - Love One Another 13:1-4
Matthew Series
- 2011: 1/09 - Mostly Matthew: Intro
- 2011: 1/16 - The Identity Of The King
- 2011: 1/23 - Preparing for the King
- 2011: 1/30 - Rules for the Kingdom #1
- God's Collision Course - Matt 5:21-24 (parenthetical)
- 2011: 2/06 - Rules for the Kingdom #2
- 2011: 2/13 - Imperfect Justice
- 2011: 2/20 - Being Good
- 2011: 2/27 - Mercy and Judgement 7:1-12
- 2011: 3/06 - Knowing Christ 7:13-29
- 2011: 3/13 - The Authority of the King: Part 1 8:1-22
- 2011: 3/20 - The Authority of the King: Part 2 8:22 - 9:8
- 2011: 3/27 - Complaints Against the King
- 2011: 4/03 - Works of the King 9:18-34
- 2011: 4/10 - Workers for the King: Part 1 9:35-10:42
- 2011: 4/17 - Workers for the King: Part 2 9:35-10:42
- 2011: 5/01 - Workers for the King: Part 3 9:35-10:42
- 2011: 5/08 - Identifying The King 11:2-11
- 2011: 5/15 - The Burden of the King 11:12-30
- 2011: 5/22 - The Lord of the Sabbath 12:1-14
- 2011: 5/29 - The King Only for the Kingdom Minded 12:15- 50
- 2011: 6/05 - Parables of the Kingdom
- 2011: 6/19 - Faith And Sacrificial Love 14:1-32
- 2011: 6/26 - The Heart Of The Kingdom 15:1-20
- 2011: 7/03 - A Kingdom For Everyone 15:21-39
- 2011: 7/10 - The Keys To The Kingdom
- 2011: 7/17 - Faith Moves Mountains 17:1-20
- 2011: 7/24 - Don't be a Scandal 17:24-18:14
- 2011: 7/31 - A Kingdom of Forgivers 18:15-35
- 2011: 8/07 - Marriage and the Kingdom 19:1-15
- 2011: 8/14 - The Value System of the Kingdom #1
- 19:16 - 20:28
- 2001: 8/21 - The Value System of the Kingdom #2
- 20:29 - 22:14
- 2011: 9/04 - The Spiritual Kingdom 22:15-46
- 2011: 9/11 - Woes for Rejecting the King 23:1-39
- 2011: 9/18 - Life in the Kingdom 24: - 25:
- 2011: 9/25 - The Rejection of the King: Part1 26: - 27:
- 2011: 10/02 - The Rejection of the King: Part2 26: - 27:
- 2011: 10/09 - The Establishment of the Kingdom 26: - 27:
Gospel Foundations
This series of messages build on each other, so I recommend listening to them in order.
- 2010: 10/03 - Thinkers and Believers launch
- 2010: 10/10 - What is Sin?
- 2010: 10/17 - Restoring Relationships
- 2010: 10/24 - Temptation
- 2010: 10/31 - Faith
- 2010: 11/07 - Prayer Promises
- 2010: 11/14 - The Law cannot Transform
- 2010: 11/21 - The Gospel of the Kingdom
- 2010: 11/28 - Jesus is Lord and King
- 2010: 12/05 - The Kingdom is not Earthly (started a bit late)
- 2010: 12/12 - Established Through Death and Resurrection
- 2010: 12/19 - Adopt His Value System
- 2010: 12/26 - Crisis of Faith
- 2011: 1/02 - Growth and Renewal