With our recent very heavy rains, I knew Snoqualmie Falls had to be spectacular. I was not disappointed. (See video at end.)

20101212_snoqualmie_falls0 Usually you can see a significant amount of rock at the lip of the falls. This was what it was like at the same time of year in 2006.

20101212_snoqualmie_falls1 But now the river had become so swollen, there was nothing but water! And the spray was so much that at times you couldn't see across the canyon to the falls. You can see the spray spots on the camera lens.

20101212_snoqualmie_falls2 Periodically, the wind would clear the view for a bit.

And, take a look at this video! It is very impressive!

This waterfall is 284 feet high, and water is continuously being thrown up half that height! Also notice, two seconds into the movie, a jet of water on the right is thrown up 200 feet from the pool at the base.

It was worth the trip!