We had our second annual extended family stay at Warm Beach. (previous year) We had two nights there, but the time was pretty full so it seemed to go by very quickly.

20071230_WarmBeach0 The Christmas lights were beautiful as before. Many things were similar, but there were some new displays.

20071230_WarmBeach1 The first evening, Art's son Loren & his wife were able to be with us.

20071230_WarmBeach2 It was Art's birthday, so we sang "Happy Birthday" to him as part of some music we did.

20071230_WarmBeach3 There were a lot of games played.

20071230_WarmBeach4 And a fair bit of silliness during visiting.

20071230_WarmBeach5 Breakfasts were part of the Warm Beach package.

20071230_WarmBeach6 We all stayed up entirely too late, so the coffee in the morning was very important!

20071230_WarmBeach7 Even so, it was hard to stay awake.

20071230_WarmBeach8 More games.

20071230_WarmBeach9 Our Friday lunch was wraps.

20071230_WarmBeach10 I sang the call to eat. It was a song that we used daily when I was a kid in school in Japan.

20071230_WarmBeach11 Later we read from A. A. Milne's "Winnie-the-Pooh". This had become a fun Christmas tradition in our family. I really got into the expression part and I appreciated Marilyn's easy laughter.

20071230_WarmBeach12 That afternoon, we had a Gingerbread House decorating contest. My team's house completely collapsed (on right), but it was a lot of fun.

20071230_WarmBeach13 Someone remembered the gymnastics trick of lying down in a circle on each other's knees. It was actually pretty comfortable.

20071230_WarmBeach14 Then we did the sitting down in a circle trick. -Great fun with lots of laughing!

20071230_WarmBeach15 That evening we ate out at a Chinese restaurant. We thought we were ordering conservative quantities, but took home 8 boxes of extra food!

20071230_WarmBeach16 Afterward we had a group picture.