Jul 27, 2007 - Camping at Flowing Lake

My daughter-in-law's folks have started camping annually at Flowing Lake Park. Melanie was gone for a few days, so Austin called to invite me to be with them.

It is at a quiet lake just large enough for some water skiing. (Can you see the moon?)

I brought my own little tent and put it beside Austin & Janae's. I really slept well.

Janae's folks are in the food catering business, so they brought plenty of food and a full mobile kitchen. There was nothing make-do about it! :-) They stayed in a rental cabin there.

The first days they were there, there had been a lot of rain, so they kept the fire going all the time. Janae's dad brought more rounds of wood from home, and Austin split it all. I had never seen him doing that - he was quite good at it and he had fun doing it.

So we sat by the lake or sat around the fire a lot and just enjoyed the leisure.

I caught Austin & Janae in a kiss by firelight.