Apr 28, 2007 - New Pavement

We have had some street construction in our neighborhood for some months now. They have been correcting some old issues with the storm drains and water mains. They have completed that part of things and now have completely repaved our development.

new blacktop

The new pavement is very smooth of course and I have seen quite a few people (mostly kids) opportunistically skating in the neighborhood. Even Jessica had to try it out. She borrowed Alan's 'blades for a few passes on the road, but it was tricky because her feet were so much smaller than Alan's.

Jessi rollerblading

I got out the three-wheeled scooter. It was a much smoother ride than before.

Larry on scooter

Andrew & Jessi tried riding it at the same time.

Andrew & Jessi on scooter

The new pavement is a nice upgrade to our development.