Two years ago, Alan moved to New York (state) to be near his girlfriend and develop their relationship. (He got his job offer while he was on his way.)
Katie agreed to marry him earlier this year.
The big event started with a rehearsal the day before.
At the rehearsal dinner: All my family was able to come to the wedding!
Katie's friends did prelude music before the ceremony.
Austin ushered my beautiful wife Melanie and I.
The ceremony was short, but very nice.
And Alan & Katie held their kiss long enough for everyone to get a picture.
The wedding party.
Next were pictures outside on the grass.
Everybody looked wonderful.
Camden discovered water in the ball cup.
After visiting with friends,
There was a fantastic dinner.
There were first dances.
And we had so much fun!
Camden was a hit on the dance floor. Many people joined in to clap around her, so she actually increased participation and the fun for everyone!
Alan & Katie had a guy drawing caricatures. (We asked him to put us in our kayak.) We got to keep the drawings after he made copies. And then he also made a collage of all them for Alan & Katie as a wedding memento.
It was a great wedding!