Two years ago, Alan moved to New York (state) to be near his girlfriend and develop their relationship. (He got his job offer while he was on his way.)

2012_AlanKatieWedding0 Katie agreed to marry him earlier this year.

2012_AlanKatieWedding1 The big event started with a rehearsal the day before.

2012_AlanKatieWedding2 At the rehearsal dinner: All my family was able to come to the wedding!

2012_AlanKatieWedding3 Katie's friends did prelude music before the ceremony.

2012_AlanKatieWedding4 Austin ushered my beautiful wife Melanie and I.

2012_AlanKatieWedding5 The ceremony was short, but very nice.

2012_AlanKatieWedding6 And Alan & Katie held their kiss long enough for everyone to get a picture.

2012_AlanKatieWedding7 The wedding party.

2012_AlanKatieWedding8 Next were pictures outside on the grass.

2012_AlanKatieWedding9 Everybody looked wonderful.

2012_AlanKatieWedding10 Camden discovered water in the ball cup.

2012_AlanKatieWedding11 After visiting with friends,

2012_AlanKatieWedding12 There was a fantastic dinner.

2012_AlanKatieWedding13 There were first dances.

2012_AlanKatieWedding14 And we had so much fun!

2012_AlanKatieWedding15 Camden was a hit on the dance floor. Many people joined in to clap around her, so she actually increased participation and the fun for everyone!

2012_AlanKatieWedding16 Alan & Katie had a guy drawing caricatures. (We asked him to put us in our kayak.) We got to keep the drawings after he made copies. And then he also made a collage of all them for Alan & Katie as a wedding memento.

2012_AlanKatieWedding17 It was a great wedding!