I have written some instrumental music as a creative outlet. I can hear the music in little snippets all the time in my head. However, it is still a frustrating process for me to get it down on paper because I am not very good at putting it all together. But just as it took practice to be able to write in English, I know that I have to practice writing music too.
I play cello and guitar, but so far I have only written instrumental music for the cello. It is the one on which I can be most lyrical. Melanie plays flute and there are players of the piano in our family, so those are the instruments for which I have written.
These are demo tracks taken directly from Garageband so they don't have much performance presence. (Sorry :-) The music is much better when performed. I don't have a good string sound on my computer, so I am using the flute voice (playing down low) for the cello.
Flute and Cello (Dec 2007) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th parts
Flute, Cello and Piano (Dec 2008) demo